Clojure AST Quickref

Helpful notes

#Generic AST traversal

The Clojure AST format documented here was designed to facilitate generic traversal by maximally clueless consumers. Tooling that relies on this AST structure doesn't have to know much of anything about the structure of each individual type of node, so it's safe to extend the tree with custom nodes beyond the types documented here if this becomes desirable. It's also safe to annotate nodes of any type with your own key-value pairs, provided the keys are properly namespaced so as to avoid conflicts.

The recommended generic method of AST traversal (provided you're not depending directly on tools.analyzer, which gives you a generic AST-walking API for free) is to examine the :children key in the node you're currently visiting. If present, a node's :children key will always point to a vector of other keys in the same node. What's more, each of these other keys will always point to either a single AST node (which you can then visit immediately) or a correctly ordered vector of AST nodes (which you can iterate over, visiting each in turn).

Individually, each AST node is guaranteed to contain at least three key-value pairs: :op (a keyword denoting the node's type), :env (an environment map representing the context in which the node should be examined), and :form (the Clojure data structure from which the node was originally parsed).

Nodes reference


environment map
a binding symbol
same as :form
one of :arg, :catch, :fn, :let, :letfn, or :loop
[optional] when :local is :arg, a locally unique ID representing this parameter
[optional] when :local is :arg, a boolean representing whether this parameter binds to a variable number of arguments
[optional] when :local is :catch, the type of a caught exception
[optional] when :local is :let, :letfn or :loop, an AST node representing the bound value
[optional] when :local is :let, :letfn or :loop, [:init]


environment map
(catch class local body*)
the type of exception to catch
:binding AST node representing the local name of a caught exception
:do AST node with key :body? true representing the clause body
[:local :body]


environment map
a constant literal or quoted collection literal
one of :nil, :bool, :keyword, :symbol, :string, :number, :type, :record, :map, :vector, :set, :seq, :char, :regex, :class, :var, or :unknown
same as :form
[optional] AST node representing metadata attached to :form
[optional] when :meta is present, [:meta]


environment map
(def name init?)
the symbol to define
the var object created to hold the defined value
[optional] AST node representing metadata attached to :name
[optional] AST node representing the initial value of the created var
[optional] docstring explaining the purpose of this definition
[optional] [:meta] or [:init] or [:meta :init]


environment map
(do statement* ret)
ordered vector of AST nodes representing all expressions in the body except the last
AST node representing the last expression in the body (the block's return value)
[optional] true if this node was synthesized as another node's body
[:statements :ret]


environment map
(fn* name? [arg*] body*) or (fn* name? method*)
whether or not this function has a variadic method
the number of arguments taken by the fixed-arity method that takes the most arguments
vector of :fn-method AST nodes
whether or not this function will only be invoked once (if true, permits the compiler to clear closed-over locals in the function body)
[optional] :binding AST node representing the function's local name
if :local is present, [:local :methods], otherwise [:methods]


environment map
([param*] body*)
gensym with prefix loop_ uniquely identifying this method (for recursion)
whether or not this method takes a variable number of arguments
ordered vector of :binding AST nodes representing this method's parameters
the number of arguments this method takes, discounting variadic parameters
ordered vector of AST nodes representing this method's body
[optional] :binding AST node representing the parent function's local name
[:params :body]


environment map
(. target method arg*)
AST node representing the object on which to call the method
symbol naming the method called
ordered vector of AST nodes representing arguments passed to the method
[:target :args]


environment map
(. target -field)
AST node representing the object on which to access the field
symbol naming the field accessed


environment map
(. target m-or-f)
AST node representing the target object
symbol naming either a 0-args method or a field


environment map
(if test then else?)
AST node representing the test expression
AST node representing the block's return value if :test evaluates to truthy
AST node representing the block's return value if :test evaluates to falsey
[:test :then :else]


environment map
(f arg*)
AST node representing the invoked function
ordered vector of AST nodes representing the arguments passed to the function
[optional] map of metadata attached to :form (shouldn't be evaluated)
[:fn :args]


environment map
(let* [binding*] body*)
ordered vector of :binding AST nodes representing locally bound symbols
:do AST node with key :body? true representing the let body
[:bindings :body]


environment map
(letfn* [binding*] body*)
vector of :binding AST nodes representing locally bound functions
:do AST node with key :body? true representing the letfn body
[:bindings :body]


whether or not the corresponding :binding AST node is mutable
same as :children for the corresponding :binding AST node, but never contains :init
other keys
same as those of the corresponding :binding AST node


environment map
(loop* [binding*] body*)
ordered vector of :binding AST nodes representing locally bound symbols
:do AST node with key :body? true representing the loop body
gensym with prefix loop_ uniquely identifying this loop
[:bindings :body]


environment map
{[key val]*}
ordered vector of AST nodes representing keys in :form
ordered vector of AST nodes representing vals in :form
[:keys :vals]


environment map
a symbol
same as :form


environment map
a symbol naming the namespace part of :form
a symbol naming the name part of :form


environment map
(new class arg*)
the class to instantiate (not an AST node)
ordered vector of AST nodes representing arguments passed to the class constructor


environment map
(quote expr)
:const AST node representing the quoted expression


environment map
(recur expr*)
ordered vector of AST nodes representing new bound values for the next loop iteration
gensym with prefix loop_ uniquely identifying the enclosing loop


environment map
vector of AST nodes representing items in :form


environment map
(set! target val)
AST node representing what to set the value of
AST node representing the new value to set
[:target :val]


environment map
(throw exception)
AST node representing the exception to throw


environment map
(try body* catch* finally?)
:do AST node with key :body? true representing the try body
ordered vector of :catch AST nodes representing catch clauses
[optional] :do AST node with key :body? true representing the finally clause body
[:body :catches] or [:body :catches :finally]


environment map
a symbol naming the var
the var object itself
whether or not the var is dynamic


environment map
ordered vector of AST nodes representing items in :form


environment map
non-quoted collection literal with attached metadata
AST node representing metadata to evaluate at runtime
AST node representing :form (minus metadata)
[:meta :expr]